Friday, January 07, 2005


Knitting Guru
You appear to be a Knitting Guru. You love knitting
and do it all the time. While finishing a piece
is the plan, you still love the process, and
can't imagine a day going by without giving
some time to your yarn. Packing for vacation
involves leaving ample space for the stash and
supplies. It can be hard to tell where the yarn
ends and you begin.

What Kind of Knitter Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla
I am so psyched to make the hat you see pictured here! It will look so cool on top of my locs! This pattern is from Filati Accessories No.2, but you can buy it at

Thursday, January 06, 2005

Too dark to really see...

My pictures totally suck. I am not posting another picture until I can stop them from looking like I took them in a dungeon. Sheesh.

Ugh, no Debbie no...

Well, I began crocheting the Celebrity Shawl from stitch diva in Debbie Bliss Cotton Silk Aran, right? I can't stand it. I do not like the way the yarn feels, it feels kinda sticky kinda...I will try and sell it on eBay, if not then I will make it into a sweater, I think it may be better off that way instead of crocheted into like an airy pattern...yecch!

So, while I was at my LYS, I grabbed up a skein of some Jaeger Albany to see if my shawl would look better in something more ribbon-y...we will see, I will try it out tonight!


What a shade of Silk Garden!

This is my Klaralund-to-be in Noro's Silk Garden Shade #43. (Thanks Ei, you totally inspired me to pick this color) This color to me says..."Summer lovin' happened so fast..."

Harry Potter and Klaralund sitting in a tree...

Went to my LYS real quick and grabbed up a couple patterns. The first is Cornelia Tuttle Hamilton's Book Two, so that I can do Klaralund and the second is Rowan's Harry Potter Sweater pattern so that I can make a sweater for my daughter and my step-son. (Both of whom are too young to like Harry Potter) but I have a feeling we will be seeing about 4 more Harry Potter sequels in the future. They will appreciate them then.

Here is a terrible shot of Frieda...her back and one of her sleeves. That is how far I have gotten..currently knitting the hem of the front. Posted by Hello

Tuesday, January 04, 2005

Human For Sale

How much are you worth? Crazy website quiz...

I am worth $2,225,270.00 on

Oh Denise...

I need to back away from my Denise Needles. She is becoming a crutch for me. She has made me pledge my loyalty and I have been ever so faithful to her but now I want to try out my bamboo needles that I have stashed somewhere...I know I have like a million straight needles...2005, I am going to knit with more bamboo straight needles...and I may even try an Addi Turbo circ. just because I want to see what all the fuss is about...


Monday, January 03, 2005

Man am I in trouble...

Ok, I just bought a subscription to Interweave Knits, which of course makes me privvy to all of their online subscriber-only website and BOY-OH-BOY do they have some patterns on there!

*sigh* I really am beginning to get overwhelmed here...I think knitting for me is going to be a lot like reading is for me. (let me explain)

I love to read. I LOVE books. I acknowledge that I collect books for their asthetic quality just as much as I collect books to read them...with that said, I sometimes get depressed when I walk into a mammoth sized bookstore like Borders, or Barnes & Noble or even a huge library, university libraries, mmm, not so much.

Why? Because I know that there is no way I could read every book in the world that I would be interested in, there are just TOO many. It is not humanly possible to read say, every book in Borders. Not to mention every magazine.

Magazines kinda get on my nerves though, I have to read them from front to back like a book otherwise I get disorganized and befuddled. Cosmo and O, spring to mind. I am really being turned off by Cosmo though, I mean how many articles entitled "501 ways to please your man tonight!" can one read? Really.

I digress.

So what I am trying to say is, there just isn't enough time to knit all the GORGEOUS drop dead patterns that I want. It hurts to come to grips with that notion.

Also, I am having a problem discerning between what I want to knit and what I want to wear. As in, some things look great on paper but when I make it for myself, it looks horrible...I need to factor in my actual body shape in my knitting choices and this is proving difficult. *sigh*


Sunday, January 02, 2005

also done!

I want to get a head start on a season instead of knitting in that season and trying to finish something to wear the very day after I finish I am now looking for Spring/Summer knitting to do and I am drooling over ChicKami and Bad Penny from

Anybody else got Spring Ideas?

My eBay Love

Well, I have done it now! I just ordered the Stitch Diva Celebrity Shawl pattern and I ordered Debbie Bliss' Cotton Silk Aran which is discontinued (well that's what I hear) and I love my eBay seller! Her ID is 4to4 and she is the best!!! I get all my Rowan and Debbie Bliss from her, so if you are in need of new wool, check her out and tell her Wayntina sent ya! (that's my eBay ID)

I am also getting ready to buy the book "Sweaters to knit for your man that he will wear" or something to that effect, because my hubby is finicky and I plan on letting him just flip through the book and pick what he wants...

PS I am VERY upset that Michigan (my ol school) lost against Texas!! (my hubby is from Texas) Talk about UPset!

PPS I am going to donate to the Tsunami victims, via Amazon, did I mention that already? I just can't keep buying yarn without doing my bit to help. Honestly the death toll is so high my brain cannot fully wrap around that many lives lost...I am numbed by it. But all I can do is send some $$$, I wish I could do more...

Feeling a Need for Koigu

Okay, I am going to find something to knit for my daughter...I am thinking of doing The Big Bad Baby Blanket from the first Stitch n' B*tch book...besides I like Shobana, the lady who designed it...I know I have the link to her blog here somewhere...I will have to add that later.

What is up with the Koigu conspiracy though? I can hardly find it at all online, and when I do, the colors shown are either poor quality, or they don't have hardly any colors at all compared with how many actually exist...

I am going to order my Koigu from Four Seasons online because they have the color I want...P118L, but I would REALLY like some type of light pinky color since it is for my daughhter...but since I have never seen any Koigu KPPPM in person, I think I should just go with what the pattern calls for...*sigh*

And, I don't know if you have noticed but whenever Koigu KPPPM is on ebay it is costing OVER it's retail price! There is definitely a shortage of Koigu out there...


Saturday, January 01, 2005

I'm a selfish knitter...

Ok, I am feeling really greedy that I only want to knit for myself...and I just now noticed I haven't posted a picture in a looong time! Ok. I will fix this.

Pictures to come will be:

One finished Debbie Bliss Maya Scarf

One work in progress: Debbie Bliss Frieda in Baby Alpaca Silk

And that's it so far because I was trying to do this thing where I don't start more than one project at a time, but it's begining to bore I think I will do at least 2 projects at a time and hopefully of different gauges to keep my interest...

Friday, December 31, 2004

I'm a quiet girl...

quite result
Quiet Girl

What kind of little girl were YOU?
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